The program for the 16th Annual OPAM is available to download. It contains the schedule for talks (also shown below), information about the poster session, abstracts for all talks and posters, and the abstract for the keynote talk.
Download: Program for 16th Annual OPAM (pdf)
OPAM 2008 Talk Session Continental A, Hilton Hotel Chicago | ||
7:30 | Registration | |
8:10 | Opening Remarks | |
Chair: Joseph Brooks | Organization, Emotion, & Multisensory Perception | |
8:15 | Erik Van der Burg, Christian N.L. Olivers, Adelbert W. Bronkhorst, Durk Talsma & Jan Theeuwes | Multisensory synchrony guides attention in dynamic cluttered environments |
8:30 | Martha Kaiser & Maggie Shiffrar | Individual differences in perceptual sensitivity to emotional human movement. |
8:45 | Mitsouko van Assche, Pierre Gos & Anne Giersch | Perceptual organization across hemispheres |
9:00 | Break | |
Chair: Kim Curby | Faces, Objects, & Scenes | |
9:15 | Michael L. Mack & Thomas J. Palmeri | Objects in scenes: Is one system enough? |
9:30 | Rama Amishav & Ruth Kimchi | Perceptual Interactions Between Facial Properties |
9:45 | Tim Smith & John Henderson | Facilitation of return during scene viewing |
10:00 | Ming Meng, Sharon Gilad & Pawan Sinha | Face Recognition with Contrast Chimeras |
10:15-11:45 | Poster Session | Northwest Hall, Lower Level Hilton Hotel |
11:45 | Lunch | (on your own) |
Chair: Artem Belopolsky | Working Memory | |
12:45 | Benoit Brisson & Pierre Jolicoeur | Express re-engagement of attention but delayed entry into visual short-term memory following invalid spatial cueing |
1:00 | Mariko Yamaguchi & Lisa Feigenson | Selective attention of working memory contents by 11 month-old infants |
1:15 | Stephenie Harrison & Frank Tong | Decoding reveals the contents of working memory in human visual cortex |
1:30 | Nancy B. Carlisle, Leanne Boucher & Geoff Woodman | The influence of strategy on the interaction of working memory guidance of attention |
1:45 | Break | |
Chair: Sarah Shomstein | Objects and Attention | |
2:00 | Lauren Hecht, Brandon Abbs & Shaun Vecera | Auditory object-based attention |
2:15 | Brian Levinthal & Alejandro Lleras | Context-free inhibition: attentional biases transfer strongly across temporal and spatial search tasks |
2:30 | Louis K. H. Chan & William G. Hayward | Object-based attention is "turned off" by top-down control |
2:45 | Ana Torralbo & Diane Beck | Perceptual load-induced selection as a consequence of local spatial interactions |
3:00 | Keynote Speaker: Glyn Humphreys | Attention and action - an intimate coupling |
4:00 | Closing Remarks |