OPAM 2008 Thanks!

OPAM 2008 in Chicago was a great success! Thanks to all of the presenters, everyone that attended, and a special thanks to Glyn Humphreys for a great keynote address. Additional thanks go to our sponsors who enabled us to offer free registration for the fifth year in a row! Thanks also to those who generously made donations at the door. We look forward to OPAM 2009 in Boston!

OPAM 2008 Sponors

Our sponsors for 2008 are:

Psychonomics Society

Vision Sciences Society

Cambridge Research Systems

SR Research


Psychology Software Tools

Applied Science Laboratories

SensoryMotoric Instruments


If you or your organization is interested in helping to provide a high-visibility forum for young investigators to present cutting edge research, please consider making a contribution to OPAM. If you interested in making a donation, please email Sarah Shomstein at shom@gwu.edu.