Poster Presentation Information

We will be using the same poster boards as the main Psychonomic Society conference, and the same rules for posters apply. Specifically:

For proper display at the venue, your poster should have a horizontal (or landscape) orientation and be no larger than the following dimensions:

Width: 8 feet (2.44 meters)

Height: 4 feet (1.22 meters)

Information for Speakers

You will have 15 minutes for your presentation, which includes 12 minutes for the talk, and 3 minutes for questions.  The moderator will hold up placards when you have five minutes left, two minutes, one minute, and then a STOP sign.  You are strongly encouraged to stop by the end of 12 minutes to allow enough time for questions, and to enable us to stay on schedule.  Speakers are asked to bring their own laptops, along with any necessary dongles/cables/adapters, to the conference. Please also bring a USB memory stick containing your presentation as a backup. A laser pointer will be available to all speakers during their presentations, as will a microphone. Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your session starts to check in with the session moderator. You will have the opportunity – but are not required – to test your laptop connection to the projector before your session begins.